by megabite | Dec 22, 2011 | Press
Digital Energy Journal / Finding Petroleum magazine: Sekal – supporting drilling with real-time data and physics Sekal, a start-up company in Stavanger, is commercialising real-time solutions that advise drillers upon how best to progress their drilling program...
by megabite | Jun 1, 2011 | Press Skal gjøre boring sikrere Satser på teknologi som gjør boring tryggere og billigere. Statoil går sammen med SåkorninVest inn som investor i det nyetablerte selskapet Sekal AS for å kommersialisere produktene Drilltronics og Drillscene. Produktene er...
by megabite | Oct 7, 2009 | Press
IADC Drilling Contractor magazine: Industry takes cautious but sure-footed steps toward hands-free drilling, automation When it comes to risk-taking, this industry seems to suffer from a case of multiple personality disorder. On the one hand, it has a tendency to be...
by megabite | Oct 7, 2009 | Press
Harts E+P magazine: Industry groups tackle R&D for drilling automation The case for drilling automation in both onshore and offshore operations has been robustly debated as the industry moves toward standardized development platforms. The drive for drilling...
by megabite | Feb 9, 2008 | Press
Harts E+P magazine: North Sea Operations: Automated safeguarding enters the drilling process A new approach closes the loop between what is physically possible to do from a well tolerance perspective and the commands issued through drilling controls. Automated...