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Global frame agreement signed with Wintershall Dea

Global frame agreement signed with Wintershall Dea

Sep 2019

Wintershall Dea have on the 28th August 2019 awarded Sekal a 4 year contract with options for another 2 + 2 years for ‘’Drilling Software Applications and Monitoring Services using Sekal applications, DrillExpect, DrillScene and DrillTronics for all Wintershall Dea’s licenses and projects worldwide as nominated by Wintershall Dea.  This is a major achievement for Sekal that further strengthen the good relationship and cooperation with Wintershall Dea. Sekal have already supported Wintershall Dea on multiple wells using both DrillExpect for simulations and DrillScene for real time analytics. When starting up the operations on Seadrill’s West Mira, Wintershall Dea will utilize all Sekal’s products in combination including DrillTronics integrated with the drilling control system optimizing real time well bore protections, drilling automation and efficiency.

Sekal see the operational model agreed with Wintershall Dea as the optimal combination of products, all using the same digital twin but with different objectives. One for planning and simulations to optimize the performance (DrillExpect), one to early identify deteriorating wellbore conditions (DrillScene) and one to assist the driller in critical situations (DrillTronics).

Statement from Nils Petter Norheim, Drilling & Wells Manager, Mobile units, Wintershall Norge AS:‘’As an initiative to further improve the efficiency in our drilling operations utilizing new technology, Wintershall Dea, in close cooperation with our partners Seadrill and Halliburton, expect that Sekal’s digital twin solution in combination with automated drilling control will be an important contribution to meet our ambitious goals’’.

Sekal look forward to expand our business and our support to Wintershall Dea and look forward to be part of a successful team delivering top quartile results for our client.  

Wintershall Dea

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