News and Publications

Sekal reaches a significant milestone, providing support for its 1000th well.

Apr 2024

Recently, Sekal provided support for the BP’s Clair Field West of Shetland. Here the well A27 marked a significant milestone as the 1000th wellbore supported by Sekal globally. The Sekal 24/7 operational support desk is an integrated part of BP’s remote operating and collaboration center “RCC” in Sunbury, where Sekal and BP have been extending support to ~170 BP wellbores globally since 2019, with a focus on operations in Azerbaijan, the Gulf of Mexico, and the North Sea.

“Working with the Sekal tool kit has allowed us to drive forward our digital and automation agenda in order to make better operational decisions based on data. We look forward to a continued partnership with Sekal who are helping improve the quality of our well execution”. Says, Kelly Walker, Senior Manager of the BP RCCs.

Morten Kelstrup, CEO Sekal, says: “We are thrilled to announce this significant milestone of our support to the successful drilling of Well Number 1000. This achievement stands as a testament to our customers and our unwavering commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability in the energy industry. We are grateful to all our many customers around the world for the opportunity to assist them in making their operations safer and more efficient and we are proud of our humble contribution to make energy more reliable and affordable with a smaller environmental footprint. Well Number 1000 is a testament to our collective strength, resilience, and vision. Let us continue to work together towards even greater heights of success. Onwards and Upwards!”

Sekal has been at the forefront of developing software solutions designed to optimize drilling operations, enhance safety, and significantly reduce costs. Sekal’s technologies, including real-time monitoring, Advanced Drilling Automation and Engineering Services, have set new standards in drilling and tripping effectiveness. This resulted in a substantial decrease in technical sidetracks and a boost in efficiency, ultimately saving customers worldwide more than $1.6 billion over the 1000 wells.

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